Prior to entering Multimodal writing, I was unsure about exactly the multimodal aspect was. Following the many reading that we were assigned in class, I quickly learned that multimodal writing was much more complex than I had originally thought. I learned that multimodal writing was much more interesting than a typical writing class. In a broad sense, multimodal writing helped me develop visual and digital literacy. In a world that is constantly growing with new technologies, this class will be beneficial outside of college.
Multimodal writing includes audio, video, photographs, drawings and any visual element used to supplement text in a purposeful way. While writing in these modes, the students in our class were all able to interact through a multimodal composition. In class, we did a couple projects that focused on these multimodal compositions.
About a few weeks into the semester, we were assigned our refugee project. For the project, we were put into a group with myself and two other classmates. Each group in our class was assigned to a community partner. Later on in the semester, we had the privilege of interviewing our community partner.
Our community partner was Cecelia Nelson, a refugee from Liberia. In October, we met Cecelia and interviewed her about her quest for refuge. We met with Cecelia for about one hour and got to hear about some of her most unforgettable memories from Liberia prior to becoming a refuge. She shared with us the story about the day the war broke out in Liberia and forced her out of her own home.
After completing the interview with Cecelia, my group and I created a video about Cecelia's story. During the interview, she told us the story about the day she witnessed the First Liberian war. We had the challenge of trying to put together a video that portrayed Cecelia's underlying message of having faith in God.
Throughout this semester, we have learned to use multimodal compositions to create influential stories. The completion of this video, resulted in acquiring the outcomes of the multimodal writing class.