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Quest For Refuge: Cecelia's Story

Throughout our semester, we created an audio biography and a video story, told by our community refugee partner. Through this process, we have learned about what multimodal writing is and how it works. Multimodal writing is not like a typical writing class where you write papers, it consists of more creativity and encourages us to think "outside of the box." By using more than one mode of writing, it has given me a skillset that will be applicable outside of college. 

For our final project, we created a video of a refugee. For our project, we had the experience of interviewing Cecelia Nelson. Cecelia was originally born in Liberia. After having three kids, the First Liberian War broke out in Liberia. Following the start of the war, Cecelia and some of her family members became refugees and came to the U.S. This forced Cecelia to adapt to a new way of life. In the video, she shares her life-changing experience about the first day she witnessed the war in Liberia. 


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